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Have you ever noticed how exaggerated language and emotions have become pervasive in our daily lives? From the media to our social interactions, it’s as though everything is amplified and dramatized.

As a coach, I’m naturally curious as to why.

The Media

You don’t need to look far to see the prevalence of melodrama. The media, especially the 24-hour news channels, bombard us with sensational headlines and breaking news alerts.

However, upon closer inspection, we often find that the reality doesn't match the initial hype.

"Funnily enough, literally as I’m typing this a tweet pings on my phone saying: “BREAKING: Independence support is at 53% according to a new poll released today.”

I mean, surely this could also be rewritten as “Country still split on Independence”…no shit Sherlock, it hardly warrants Breaking News status, does it?

Headlines like "UK to be slammed by torrential rain" or "Families crippled by fuel price rises" can leave us feeling like we're watching a disaster movie. But is it really warranted?

Perhaps a more balanced perspective would serve us better?

Social Language and Social Media

Beyond the Media, we find melodrama seeping into everyday conversations and social media platforms. People are constantly "humbled," "blown away," or "devastated" by events that once didn't merit such strong reactions.

Exclamation marks punctuate our statements, further emphasizing the intensity of our emotions!

Even in political scandals, events that were once considered trivial now capture the spotlight.

This trend can even be observed in the ubiquitous use of text-chat acronyms like "WTAF?!" or "OMG!!" in situations that aren't inherently dramatic.

The Search for Significance

So what drives this urge for melodrama? Could it be an American influence or a means to fill a void?

Perhaps we're all yearning for excitement or attempting to combat boredom? In an age of constant stimulation, we may have grown desensitized to the world around us, requiring increasingly intense experiences to elicit the same level of engagement.

But is this sustainable, and does it truly bring us the fulfilment we seek?

Embracing Authenticity

In a world consumed by melodrama, it's vital we reclaim authenticity and balance. Rather than succumbing to the allure of exaggerated language and emotions, what if instead we cultivate self-awareness and meaningful connections?

By embracing our genuine experiences, we can foster deeper connections and appreciate the beauty in life's subtleties.

Rekindling British Understatedness

For those of us who appreciate the British tradition of understatedness (“Keep Calm and Carry On”) the prevalence of melodrama can feel strange. However, it's important to recognize that this phenomenon transcends borders, reflecting I think a collective shift rather than a cultural influence.

By reconnecting with our inherent values of modesty, we can offer a refreshing counterbalance to the melodramatic narrative.


In my coaching practice, I often come across people who seemingly have all the makings of happiness yet feel lacking, sometimes numb. Could this be a symptom of the above?

It’s worth reflecting on the melodrama that surrounds us, and its impact. Also on the motives behind our exaggerated language and emotions, seeking authentic connections and experiences instead.

By embracing balance and rediscovering the power of understatedness, we can navigate the melodramatic world with grace and authenticity.

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