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The journey matters


Have you ever noticed how people tend to focus on the goal, or end point rather than the journey to get there?

In doing so, we can easily find ourselves living for tomorrow, rather than the here and now. And of course, tomorrow never comes.

Here are some common examples:

When I get back from work tonight…

When I get to the weekend…

When Spring / Summer come and the days are longer…

When I get a promotion…

When I’ve cleared my credit card / mortgage…

When we have a bigger house…

When the kids are grown up…

When I retire…

When I lose weight…

… and I’m sure you can think of many more.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all for goals and plans and things to look forward to. I just think that too often, they can become a reason to put life on hold.

All too often when I’m coaching people, their mental focus is in the future meaning they miss the magic of NOW.

As Eckhart Tolle said in the book “The Power of Now”:

“Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be.”

And of course we know that life can be short. It is the most precious of all commodities and should be treated as such.

So next time you notice yourself, or a close friend / family member seeing something you want or desire being conditional upon a future event, ask yourself this: “what if I could do this NOW”?

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